Dear ICA Community,
Like you, we are concerned about the spread of the Coronavirus disease in our community. With people operating with an abundance of caution, offices are closing, events are being canceled, travel has in large part come to a stop. These behavior changes have an immediate impact on our communities and our small businesses.
While we are following the CDC’s guidelines for prevention, we are reaching out to you now to let you know that we’re here for you and want to help secure any support you need during this unusual time.
Some immediate actions you can take:
Operational Considerations
- Assess what part of your business requires additional attention as it may be vulnerable to the interruption or slowing of orders, supply chain, etc.
- Follow the guidelines in the resources shared below to help keep your workspace, store or office sanitized, and updated policies and procedures to your employees and customers
Address Liquidity Needs
- Request a grace period for making any debt payments
- Negotiate longer payment period for bills due
- Reduce hours of operation
- Reach out to your bank or current lenders and explore if there is additional capital you could take on
Support Employees
- Be clear on the business decisions you’ve made or plan to make because of the impact of COVID-19
- Share EDD resources, in the event hours are reduced, they need to take sick leave, they must care for a member of their family, or must quarantine themselves
We’ve put together a list of resources and news (below) to support the small businesses in our community. The link breaks down the resources available by City and County.

Allison Kelly, CEO