Why did you start BTR Nation?
I started B.T.R. NATION as a tribute to my parents. Both my parents were diagnosed with rare forms of cancer, and I became their primary caretaker. We spent our days eating absolute junk out of hospital vending machines: high in sugar, inflammatory ingredients. I knew I could do better. I took to the kitchen to create a snack that was low in sugar, simple real food ingredients, and boosted with powerful nutrient-dense superfoods. Everyone loved them. My father was the one who knew that I had something here. Before he passed away, he incorporated the company, and told me to "do something with this one day." He was an entrepreneur at heart and always empowered me to be BOLD, TENACIOUS & RESILIENT, our family mantra aka B.T.R. After my parents passed away, I knew I needed to do something to honor their legacy. Today, we're reaching millions nationwide, and helping to fix our broken food system one snack at a time.
What was the most surprising thing about your experience with ICA? What's changed since you completed the Accelerator?
I had a feeling my experience with ICA was going to be transformative, but I'm most surprised by how at home I felt in the Accelerator. I have so many colleagues in LA and NYC - I've always wanted more connection here in the Bay, and ICA offered that and more. ICA also served as the best container for me to strategize and plan out the next 5 years for my business. Between financial modeling and developing an intentional hiring strategy, ICA prepared me for the next big high level decisions I needed to make to move my business forward. I was also assigned the best mentor who continues to help me process and map out decisions.

How do you balance being a mom and an entrepreneur?
As the mom of a 2-year old, I've embraced the reality that every second counts when scaling a business and being a mom. I focus on radical prioritization, and I give myself grace. Sometimes I'm wearing only my entrepreneur hat, and I'm grateful for my husband who supports that. Sometimes I'm wearing only my mom hat, and I allocate time focused on my family and creating core memories. And a lot of times, I'm wearing both. I take calls with Maddie in my lap. I use those opportunities to teach her about what "mommy" is doing and how she's creating snacks that are better for the world. My husband is an incredible support system. Most days, I'm at our office and warehouse in San Francisco, and my husband records videos of Maddie and texts them to me. It makes me feel like I'm still a part of everything. It's not easy, but I know that as Maddie gets older, she'll get it. And I hope I'm serving as a positive role model to her and inspiring her to follow her dreams.
And finally, what's on the horizon for BTR Nation?
So many things! Where do I start? 2024 is a breakout year for B.T.R. We're on track to 4x this year, so there's a lot in the works. We have two massive retail launches happening in June. We're making nearly 1M bars in the next two weeks to prepare. We're also launching two line extensions: our first high protein+ line debuting May 16th with 15g of organic complete plant protein and 0g added sugar. And our date-sweetened candy bars with nut butter fillings launching in September. Plus, we're partnering with new brands, new retailers, and new influencers to create products that our loyal customer base wants to see.
Learn more about B.T.R. Nation and where to find their products at www.btrnation.com.