Dear Supporters and Friends,
ICA’s impact starts and ends with the small business owners we support. Since our founding in 1996, ICA has worked with over 600 local entrepreneurs who have created hundreds of jobs, driven millions of dollars into our local economy, and created products we enjoy in our daily lives (coffee anyone?)!
In our new Impact Report, we shine the spotlight on three women founders who share the stories of their small businesses in their own words – Maria Palacio, CEO of Progeny Coffee, Fernay McPherson, owner of Minnie Bell’s, and Reem Assil, founder of Reem’s California.
These enterprising women describe what it is like to work with ICA. They talk about how our programs have influenced their business growth and prepared them for the challenges they’ve faced over the last year. They also tell us about their entrepreneurial journeys, their visions, and what being an entrepreneur means to them.
I invite you to read their stories. And if you have a minute, I’d love to hear what you think.